Monday 11 February 2019

BAOR British

Just uploading my BAOR British Transport that I have finished painting. From various sources. First the Chielftern Tanks.

Tanks from Grubby Tanks and Airfix.  Grubby's tanks look quite rough when unpainted. Need a but of sanding a filling.  All the sorage bits and boxes piaint up nice. Airfix kit is a bit dated but you must have a Airfix Chieftern in the mix.  Cam Netting made from bandeges and extra storage from the bits box. BAOR colours are Humbrol matt green 86 and matt black. Will try to group Tanks into their marks.

Two Challenger 1s from Matchbox. Great kit, if a bit small in scale. Same bits added as the Chieftern and added rolled up tarp on side made from model clay. Was just coming into service in 1984-85.  One regiment in each armoured Brigade.

 Recon..!!  Okay must have some FV107 Scimitar armored recon tanks.  Two from Airfix, with storage boxes added to the sides, and two from Sgts Mess. Tanks a bit basic and scale a bit off. 1/76 Airfix and 1/72 Sgts Mess. Matches up okay.

One Spartan fro Sgts Mess and one from Liberation Minatures. Lots of netting added.

Striker from Libertation Minatures and Spartan from Sgts Mess. Striler has not hit anything in any games I have played with it.  Just like a certain JU-87 I have.

British support transport. Loverly Amberlance and Bedford truck from Airfix. Like gold dust now. Landrovers from Airfix and Sgts Mess. Wend a bit mad on drybrush.